Friday, September 01, 2006

It's Official--COGOP has Changed its View of Fornication

taken from

1. The Christian church recognizes many variations of marriage throughout the world, with the
exception of polygamy, free (common law) marriages, same-sex marriages, or where other
elements of biblically lawful marriages have been violated. Where unlawful marriages have
taken place, annulments may be required to invalidate these violations of biblical standards.
2. While we recognize that with God all things are possible, we also recognize that some things
are beyond human ability to repair or reconcile. This dilemma can best be approached based on the principle in Acts 15:8–11, which states, “And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare
them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us. And put no difference
between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith. Now therefore, why tempt ye God, to
put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear? But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they.” Caution must be exercised so as not to require of people something that they are unable to do, lest we put a yoke of bondage around their neck (Matthew 23:4). This means the situation must be left to God’s sovereignty.
3. We accept the biblical principle of forgiveness of all sins by the grace of God through the
shed blood of Christ and that in every nation all those who come to God are acceptable
without respect of persons (Acts 10:34–35). Ongoing discipleship by the pastor and local
church is very important for all members (Acts 2:42–47, Ephesians 4:11–16). This will
require great wisdom and loving care by our leadership and people as we continue in the
harvest. Therefore, we further recommend that the International Offices develop a program
of extensive discipleship to help all our members mature in Christ Jesus.
4. An ordained minister must be held to a higher standard (Titus 1:6–9) than other members of
the body because of the biblical mandate and because of their high profile influence on other
believers who may be struggling with society’s concept for marriage and the family.
Therefore, we recommend that the International Presbytery use discretion in ordaining
ministers to insure that biblical standards are maintained.
The Assembly Committee for Biblical Doctrine and Polity for the Church of God of Prophecy
humbly submit this document with deep prayer for your review and consideration for 94th
General Assembly.

This is the recap from their General Assembly:

Following the worship time, the Assembly entered into a business session to again discuss the BDP Committee's "Biblical Institution of Marriage" document. This session had been called for at the counsel of the International Presbytery and accepted by the General Assembly. Brother Fisher asked for an expression by the State/National Bishops, asking them to stand if in support of the document, particularly items two through five of Section Three, the items not yet passed. After the Bishops expressed their support of the items, Bishop Fisher called for the delegates in support of the items not yet passed to stand. A large majority of delegates stood in support of passage of the items.
Bishop Fisher gave opportunity to those who disagreed to stand, followed by an opportunity for those standing to abstain or submit to the General Assembly. Ninety-seven remained standing. Bishop Fisher turned these over to the supervision/counsel of their State/National Overseer. He then expressed his authority, as given by the General Assembly, to declare the passage of items two through five of Section Three. According to the minutes of the church, when one accord cannot be reached, due to a few who will not submit or abstain, the moderator may remove the dissenting voices from the expression.
Bishop Fisher then gave an admonition to the General Presbyters and Bishops to be patient with those churches that will have difficulty accepting this new document. To the ministry he encouraged them to be patient with the membership, and to the membership he encouraged the same. Finally he reminded us "We are not a one track-minded Church." He encouraged pastors to preach salvation.
Following thee business sessions, Bishop Fisher gave a challenge to the Church to put ministry to children, youth, men, and women at the forefront of ministry. His challenge led to the appointments of ministry leadership, and gave presbyters the opportunity to make their National/State appointments. One change to be noted is the appointment of Bishop David Bryan to serve as new Global Outreach Ministries Director, replacing the office vacated by new General Overseer Randall E. Howard

May the Lord lead the true sheep who are still in this demonination back to His Church, The Church of God ... and may they follow with willing and open hearts.