Friday, August 01, 2008

The Professor

I don't believe it!!!!!!!

I'll start at the beginning.

Applied for a job in April at Ivy Tech Community College to teach freshman College Comp. Never heard from them but knew the position hadn't been filled.

Preached at church the other night about trusting God to be our provider. "Consider the lilies ..."

Incorporated the idea of not worrying about this and that because Jesus said, "Consider the lilies", right?

God spoke to me during that sermon because I've been looking for a job and simply said something to the effect of "Ivy Tech will be part of the answer".

Got a call today with an offer from Ivy Tech.

I am now an adjunct professor teaching one freshman comp class. It's only one night a week and pays VERY little. But it's my foot in the door. And it'll look good on a resume. The guy who hired me said there'd be other class offerings to come later.

I am a professor.


Who would've ever thunk? tee hee.

Applied for a high school teaching position Wednesday. If this is the job God has for me (with the college job on the side), it's really neat because they have a full-fledged Japanese program at the high school. Have been wanting to brush up on my Japanese. If I get that job, I can probably do that with some sort of arrangement with the Japanese teacher. Then I can get my certification in Japanese by passing an exam.

Teaching college Japanese could become a possibility for me. :D It's really what I would LOVE to do.

Ahhhhh..... God is sooooo very good to me.

"Consider the lilies ... and how much more precious YOU are in His sight." :D


Rebekah Doran said...

That's neat. I didn't know that you spoke Japanese! That's sooo neat!

~Amy said...

I took it for two years in high school and for one and a half years in college. I also spent a semester in Japan when I was in college as a study abroad student. That was an amazing experience and I'm worried I'm "losing my knowledge" because I'm not "using it". I really hope this'd work out. :D

Rachel said...

That is SO COOL! So you can say you work at an Ivy League school now, huh? Wish I had you for MY comp class in college.

And I have NEVER heard of ANYONE that studied Japanese like that in college, let alone high school. French, yes, Spanish, definitely, German even. But NEVER Japanese. I'm pretty sure that no one in Arkansas schools knows it's possible to teach it (I was homeschooled, btw). So how cool is it that they happen to teach it where you are? Awesome!