Sunday, August 03, 2008


I've been really trying to work with Jackson this summer for him to learn his letters and the sounds they make. We've been playing games (let's go on a letter hunt) and singing a cute little song from the Leap Frog DVD ("The A says ah ... ) and I've even tried to show him simple words and tell him how the letters sound to form the word, etc. I really didn't think it was taking. But last night Anthony and I were playing Scrabble and Jackson had to get his own rack and letters. And much to Anthony's surprise and to my sheer ecstaticism (my made up word for the day, I guess ... tee hee), he began pointing to some of his letters AND MAKE THEIR SOUNDS!!!!!

"Mommy, this is an R. rrrrr rrrrr. This is an S. ssssss. This is a U. Like uh, up." (A word, too!! HA!!!)

After some drilling from both parents, from what we can tell, Jackson knows more than half of his letters and the sounds that most of those make AND a word that begins with a few of those letters as well. Yayyyyy!!!!!! I'm so happy.

But why did he have to make me go through the agony of thinking I was doing a pitiful job teaching or that he was having difficulties learning. Little twerpie.

Anyway, we'll be continuing our lessons ... with renewed enthusiasm. So happy. :D


amunoz917 said...

Just think I have 20 that age to teach those things to. And I usually have atleast half of them that will seem not to be getting it when I know most of them are.

I usually send home a progress report home with the parents every 6 weeks letting them know what letters, numbers, and other skills their child knows.

But at the beginning of the year I give my sermon to the parents about not putting much weight on these because I am very aware that at this age many of the children know much more than what they will tell me at the time I'm assessing them.

I don't like to even give things like that out at such a young age but many parents want them.

Keep up the good work with Jackson. It will make it much easier on him when he gets on school. They have to learn so much now at such a young age.

Sis. Angie

Kasey said...

he gave you all that trouble because he's a little boy, remember...they're mischevious. ;)

~Amy said...

That's sure enough true, Kasey. ha ha

Angie, I guess that goes to show the government ONCE AGAIN that those tests really are not good indicators of knowledge. Even for the older kids. Who knows what factors are affecting their performance on test day. *rolling eyes* I agree with you completely.

Down with NCLB!!! ha

Unknown said...

oh look! a comment!

really, i seriously thought that i had posted when i read your blog the other day. i guess there is a big difference between intention and action. Even though they both end in "ion"

love the blog. been laughing my head off. i miss you and anthony. will ya'll be at the assembly? if not, then hopefully next year when hopefully micah can come.

okay, i was just informed that we need to be heading out the door... bye!

~Amy said...

Megan Peter commented on my blog!!!!! Wow!!!!! I never thought it'd happen!!!! ;-)

I wish we were going to get to be there, Sis, but no, it didn't work out this year. ;-( Maybe next year like you said.

Rebekah Doran said...

That is GREAT! Good job Mom. :D How old is he now?

~Amy said...

Thanks, Bekah. He's 3 1/2 ... will be 4 Dec. 7th.

I thought you guys went to the Assembly. No?

Unknown said...

amy... another comment for another post?