Friday, August 01, 2008

Certified ... or certifiable????

So yesterday, in a frenzied attempt to fulfill all requirements to obtain an Indiana teaching license, and the requirements are many (some being ridiculous), I had to take a CPR class. I am now certified to help any victim who is choking, experiencing a heart attack, fainted, etc. That kind of frightens me. It's overwhelming, anyway. I mean, if I come upon an emergency situation like that, I am obligated to offer my services. Can I go back to my hole now? *shivers* I don't think I want to know how to do this. What if I mess up? Does it create a certain degree of liability? I'm sure it probably does. People sue over anything these days.

I am also supposed to ask for a letter of employment verification from each school where I've taught. Do you know how many that is? 4! I'm supposed to get four letters like that. It's ridiculous. GA and MO just accepted your word for it. No proof needed. Arrrrggghh!!!

Then, because I didn't go to college in IN, I may have to take additional testing to prove that I'm worthy of teaching in this state. WHAT????!!!!! So they're saying that GA and MO, who gave me professional-level teaching certificates without a glitch, don't know what they're doing? That IN is a more prestigious state in which to teach????!!!! Come on, their nickname is Hoosiers! Give me a break.

And get this ... Anthony and I have to retake the written part of our driving tests in order to get Indiana driving licenses. Does any other state do this? I think it's absurd. Like, we're studying the stupid driving manual now because I don't remember how many feet you have to signal before making a turn. And a lot of good it does anyway for me to know this trivial info because I can't judge the difference between 15 feet or 50 feet in distance ... I just know when is a good time to put my blinker on. My theory is that I've had a driver's license in TN, GA, and MO, and I have a good driving record. Why does IN question my ability?????

So my question is this ... and forgive me if anyone out there likes IN, but ... WHO DO THESE PEOPLE THINK THEY ARE making newcomers to their state feel beneath them with all these ridiculous requirements!!!!!!

So, yes, I'm certified to administer CPR, but with all this junk we're dealing with, I also think I may become certifiable ... certifiably insane, that is. *rolling eyes* Grrrrr.....

Good ole' Indiana. *smirk*


Vicki Smith said...

I've had driver's licenses in Idaho, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Colorado, Virginia and now Tennessee. I've managed to somehow NEVER have to take a driving test. I remember doing a computerized test for my NM license nearly 30 years ago! I thought it was fun. :-) And I had to take a written test in Colorado. --The reason IN is requiring all the extra paperwork is because of all the lawyers, judges and politians mentioned in the post below (which is quite humorous). :-) Extra forms and paperwork make them feel important. Colorado was AWFUL about dumb stuff like that. They did NOT make it easy for newcomers. But at least they had gorgeous scenery to offer. What draws people to IN?

~Amy said...

LOL!!!! You got me, Sister Smith. You got me. I guess it's possible there are some weirdos out there who like flat land. The prairie's sort of pretty, but NOTHING compared to mountains. And I still have yet to see the Rocky Mountains in person.

I'm still laughing.