Sunday, October 26, 2008

What a Prospect!

Applied for and had the phone interview for another job. A job I really want. It's for an enrollment coordinator position at a study abroad program company called the Education Abroad Network. It's right up my alley. I would be interviewing and selecting the students who get to go and then helping with the travel arrangements and such. The programs for this company are in Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. One of the perks of the job is that I'd get to go to Australia for two weeks ... and may be able to take my husband and son with me!!! That would be way, way cool. If it's the Lord's will, I want this job REALLY BAD!!! Anthony was here when I did the phone interview and he said I sounded confident and like I really wanted the job, so it was good to have that feedback. :D

Anywho ... Anthony told me to tell ya'll that you had all better get out and vote for McCain because he's about to lose. Send the message far and wide. ;-) I still wish Huckabee were our candidate, but I guess McCain'll do.

Jackson's been really cute and funny here lately. I let him sit on my lap and showed him how to play the Mickey Mouse game on Playhouse Disney the other day and now he can do it himself. All we have to do is pull it up for him and he takes it from there. Can you believe that? He's not even four yet. It's almost scary, really. He's also starting to learn to read very simple words. He's sounding the letters out and also recognizing some other words by sight reading. Crazy. I am just amazed at how fast he's growing up.

He's got this cute little saying that he says when he wants to do something. He'll say, "Please, mommy, it's got funny on it." It's his way of saying that something is fun or funny. Ha! What a goof! He's also learned that it's funny to blow raspberries. Great.

I've been scrapbooking some lately and that's been fun. Maybe I'll post some pics of my work soon.

Anthony's been playing Christmas music around here this weekend. Put me in the holiday mood and I decided we needed to go Christmas "looking". (Not shopping because we can't do that yet! HA!) I've decided I want a good camera for Christmas. I looked at a few yesterday and am having a hard time deciding. Any suggestions? I think we'll only be able to spend around $200 or so, depending on whether I get a job before Christmas. We'll see. Oh, and we looked at Christmas trees last night. We've got to do a skinny one this year because we live in a shoe box. I won't be able to use my big, pretty tree. (sniffle) But I think I decided I want a white Christmas tree with blue and silver ornaments. Wouldn't that be pretty? I guess we'll see about that, too.

Our first snow tonight!!! It's not supposed to stick, though. But snow nonetheless. Still petrified about winter up here. Ahhhh... I guess we'll get through it somehow.


Vicki Smith said...

Christmas music is OFF LIMITS until after Thanksgiving! This world is exploding with a bunch of lawless rule breakers!!! Of course, you DID say it was snowing so it's allowable during the first snowfall of the season. But that's the only exception!

I wish Huckabee was the candidate, too. I will be voting the day after I get home from NM. To be truthful, it's not so much that I'm voting FOR McCain as I just wouldn't feel good in my conscience if Obama gets in office and I didn't at least do my part in voting AGAINST him. You should hear Sam (6 years old) Horne's commentary on Obama. HA! He says, "When a lady's pregnant and she has a baby inside her and it starts to come out Obama kills it!" This comment is made with great big, expressive eyes and much emotion. :-) That's only one of a myriad of moral reasons(or actually, thereof) why our country would suffer tremendously if he wins. Shame on any Christian who would cast their vote for economic promises over morality issues.

As for the job prospect, I'll be praying for God's perfect will.

Rachel said...

Speaking as someone who grew up in Arkansas, and lived under the administration (is that the right word?) of Mike Huckabee, I really wish he were still running for president too!

I'm praying that you get the job that God desires for you!

(Thanks for your prayers, sis. I've felt them!)

Rachel said...

I'm offended. The word verification for that last comment was "redneg". What are they trying to say? Did they think that by changing a letter and leaving one out, that they could get away with that? LOL!!!

~Amy said...

Ha!!! too funny, Rachel. Thanks for the prayers to the both of you. And, yeah, he would've been the one America needs right now. His values and his ideas on the economy are both amazing. I especially was on board with his doing away with the IRS idea. Wouldn't that have been AWESOME!!!

And what Sam says about Obama ... Wow. Out of the mouths of babes .... right?

Well, we they called for snow last night but it didn't happen, so I guess that makes Anthony one of those lawless rule breakers. I even got up a few times in the middle of the night to look and no snow. Only rain. That's alright, we'll have plenty before long, I'm sure.

Rebekah Doran said...

That job sounds way cool! That would be so neat to get to go to Australia. Will be praying.

We're voting for McCain too, just so that will be one less vote for Obama. He's one scary guy.

We haven't listened to Christmas music yet although I know that Jacob's been looking at Christmas movies. (He hasn't watched any, just is looking.)

~Amy said...

See, Sister Smith!!!! We're not the only ones. (Looking is almost as bad, right?) HA!!! Thanks, Rebekah, for the prayers.