Monday, September 01, 2008

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!!

Melissa actually posted on her blog--with pictures, even! It's true! Go take a look.

BUT what is NOT true is a statement made on a certain person's blog a few days ago. Someone said that when you post pictures, you tend to get more comments. Well, I posted a BUNCH of pictures and got three commenters. That's not very many, now is it? And I comment on other people's blogs all the time. *sniffle* I feel rejected. *sniffle* ;-)


Rebekah Doran said...

I'm sorry I didn't comment sooner, hadn't really had time to sit very long at the computer the last few days. I do want to say thank you for always commenting on my blog. I really appreciate you being so faithful and I love hearing from you. :o)

That's ok that you put Mel's post alert on your blog too, can't hurt anything as some who don't read my blog, read yours. :)

~Amy said...

Oh, Rebekah, you're one of the good commenters. Thank you for commenting so often on my blog. I love hearing from you too.

I hope you have fun playing Oregon Trail. It's really fun. I figured Jacob would give it a whirl too once he gets it downloaded. It's really retro, though. The graphics and everything remind you of the early 90s computer graphics, but I think that adds to the "neatness" of it all.

Vicki Smith said...

The early 90's are RETRO!?!? I thought you had to go back to the 50's and 60's to be retro! I'm apparently a lot older than I feel.

~Amy said...

Ha, Sister Smith. You're so funny. I didn't think about that when I wrote it. I guess the 90s are retro only when you're talking about computer stuff. In 15 years, computers have realllly come a long way, especially in the graphics. I would agree with you on clothes, furniture, etc., but with computers I'm thinking early 90s would be retro. I'm laughing so hard. It does sound funny now that I think about it.