Thursday, November 20, 2008

Lake-Effect ... is Here!!!!!

This is what Jackson and I did Monday morning:

We got all bundled up ...

and headed outside ....

for ...

a snowball fight!!!!! :D

And had a BLAST!!!!

Jackson had so much fun. He threw so many snowballs at me that the front of my red coat looked almost white!!! (OK. Maybe I'm exaggerating a little. ;-) He's apparently going to be one of those kids who can handle the cold for quite a while because he certainly didn't want to come in. We played for about 45 minutes or so and then we went and grabbed a few groceries at Wal-Mart and then I took Jackson to Cracker Barrel for a cup of hot chocolate and breakfast. Has anyone tried their new skillet breakfasts? We shared the veggie one. YUM!!!! One of the best things they've decided to add to their menu!

Anyway, the day ended with about 5-6" accumulation. It was beautiful, but not so cool when I was driving home from my class that night. The roads were a little slippery because the trucks couldn't keep the roads cleared for very long periods of time with the snow refusing to stop, but the Lord was definitely with me because I made it home in one piece. I did see two accidents on the toll road. I pray no one was hurt.

Well, right now I'm looking out our sliding glass door watching more snow fall. We're supposed to have up to a foot by the end of tomorrow. I love watching it. It's so pretty.

My mom was here last weekend with my sister and her two oldest. We had a lot of fun. We took Mom to see Notre Dame. I was bummed because if there was one thing she wanted to see, it was the Basillica, but it was closed because there was a wedding going on that day. I could tell she was a little disappointed. I told her she should just look at the bright side ... that she gets to come back some other time to see it. ;-) Then we went to the Farmer's Market and shopped a little. My sister got some doll outfits for her daughter for Christmas. There was a lady with a booth there who makes them. They were VERY nice. This lady is an excellent seamstress and her clothes are made to fit the American Girls dolls, but my sister was pretty certain they'd fit the dolls Madison already has. Cute stuff. She got a ballerina outfit and a Chistmas dress and coat with faux fur trim and a Dorothy dress (Wizard of Oz Dorothy). Cute. We ate at J. Willy's, a local BBQ joint that's kind of a Notre Dame tradition. It's actually a restaurant that was visited by Gordon Ramsey last year. He's a chef who does a show where he comes to restaurants and gives them menu, cooking, and decorating tips. Anyway, the place is pretty neat.

We're leaving Wednesday night next week to go to my sister's house for Thanksgiving. I talked to her this morning and she's nervous about cooking this year because her husband's parents and grandparents and part our family are all coming! It's like 16 adults and five children! I told her not to worry that I'd be there all day Thursday to help and told her what she could do ahead of time. Mom even said she'd do desserts at her house and bring them with her, so that'll help. She's doing two pumpkin, two pecan pies and cranberry bread and her famous pumpkin roll. I think my grandma is probably going to bring lemon merraigne (I know that's spelled wrong) and custard pies, her specialties. I can't wait. Holidays are done right in my family. ;-) Then I guess we're going to GA for Christmas, which is good. We haven't seen Anthony's family since Easter. I wanted to have them here for Christmas, but I don't guess that's going to work out since my sister-in-law just had a baby girl a couple of weeks ago. Try getting Grandma to leave the Chattanooga valley for any reason for a while. HA!!! She's definitely attached to those grandchildren. ;-)

Well, I've got some papers to grade. End of semester has been a killer, but I'll make it. :D

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!!!! :D


Vicki Smith said...

Ooooooooo, BEAUTIFUL snow pictures! And really cute kid pictures, too.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Kasey said...

awwww, he's so cute. I am ready for snow, except the cold part.:) we got some flurries yesterday.

~Amy said...

Thanks for the compliments, Sister Smith and Kasey. ;-)

Now the snow's slushy and dirty. Yeck! They said it's supposed to rain while we're gone for Thanksgiving, though, so I'm hoping it'll wash it away so there will be a clean slate for our next snow. :D But, yeah, the cold part is a little tough to deal with. Brrr....

cokelady said...

Love the pictures. The last one is gorgeous!

Sounds like you and Jackson made the most of a great snow day. :-) And I'm glad you got to spend some time with your family--and more to come! All that food talk makes me hungry though... :-)

Rebekah Doran said...

Looks like you guys had great fun that day! Jackson is definitely happy. Cute. So much snow! It FINALLY snowed the other day, but it was more like a dusting. The ground is still mostly brown.

Wow! I want to go and have Thanksgiving with your family!!! lol Hope you all had a good time yesterday.

That is such a BEAUTIFUL picture of the snow and lights! Ohhhh, awwww. :)