Sunday, October 15, 2006

What a Fun Weekend!

Terry and Shaye Ammons graced our home with a visit this weekend. It was so nice being able to fellowship with some folks our age. It doesn't happen very often for us out here, so we were just thrilled. They are so much fun to be around.

They got here Friday afternoon and we took them out to Amish country (Seymour, MO) that night. We ate at the Amish Country Bed 'n Breakfast there. It was soooo good. They serve smoked meats (ham, brisket, chicken, pork, etc.) with homestyle vegetables and homebaked bread, freshly churned butter, and an Amish-made barbecue sauce that is out of this world. We took a drive out into the country and found that Amish-run general store. The people are so friendly and I really love just being there. Shaye said she'd never seen anything like it and thought it was really neat to see their primitive dwelling and their buggies. She ended up borrowing some of my Beverly Lewis books to take home to read so she can learn a little more about them. We bought Jackson a little hat they sold at the store just like the ones the Amish boys wear. He looks adorable in it.

The next day we went to Branson and just drove around. We went shopping for a little while at the outlet malls where I found some great deals on some fall/winter clothes for Jackson, which he DESPARATELY needed. I even found one new outfit for my self, actually Shaye found it for me. It's really pretty-a brown wool skirt and a pretty lighter brown sweater to go with it. I love it and can't wait until it gets cold enough to wear it. Actually, yes, I can wait until it gets cold ...

We ate at Panera (mmmm.... the new Lemon Chicken Artichoke Pannini is delicious) and looked in some of the novelty shops. None of us bought anything in those, but it was fun just looking around. We spent the most time in the little Christmas shopping village. I love looking at Christmas stuff, but, again, I was good. No purchases, just a lot of dreaming and oohs and aahs. :P Then we took the scenic route home. It was very pretty with the fall colors just beginning to show in the Ozark mountains. Very enjoyable weekend.

Well, gotta' go. :-)


wemmies said...

I LOVE Beverly Lewis! I love Amish stuff. I would LOVE to go to Amish Country. :) I love to look at Christmas stuff too. :) Well.. sounds like I would have had fun with you.

You need to post a pic of Jackson with the hat. :D

~Amy said...

Yes, she writes fiction, but she does have Amish family ties and she lived near them in PA for many years.

No, we didn't go to Branson when you were here. We went to Laura Ingalls Wilder's home and we ate at the Amish Inn, but we didn't know how to find Amish people.

You are 380 miles from me, and it'd be another 60 miles to Amish country and an additional 45 miles to Branson. If you wanted to go see the Passion Play in Eureka Springs, AR, well, that's another 30 miles from Branson. Wouldn't it be neat if you and your mom could come for a visit?

Hmmmm.... Sister Shaw, whaddaya think? (I know you're a lurker.) :-)

cokelady said...

I love all the Amish stuff, too. It's one of the best things about going to visit James' home in Pennsylvania. I always think how fun it would be to have Mom with me on one of those Amish outings -- she would LOVE it!!!

~Amy said...

I'm sure she would; I don't know how I got to be interested in such things; the ladies in my family really aren't. But I've always been, even as a young girl, way before I even knew about the Church.

I'd love to see the Amish country in Pennsylvania. It'd be neat to compare it here to the one in PA.