Tuesday, April 21, 2009

This is Getting OLD!!!!

Is anybody else out there getting sick and tired of hearing the President of these great United States going out to these other countries and apologizing to them for America? He tells them we've been stupid or inconsiderate or ungracious or stingy. WHAT????!!!! Are you kidding me?We give until it hurts our citizens; we defend the exploited and abused; we show up when tragedies strike with not only necessary supplies to get them through but with medical workers and laborers to help them recover and rebuild; we stand up for any nation who needs a helping hand when no other countries will. America is the GREATEST nation that has EVER existed because of our bowels of compassion toward those who are in need, because we follow the Biblical principle to look outside of ourselves when most other nations only look to themselves. The only thing we have to regret or apologize for is the liberal, socialist turn we are being taken on under THIS administration.

Mr. Obama, if there is something I learned as an educator within the public school system, it is this: not everybody is going to like you, but THAT'S O.K.!!!! It is not the goal of the educator/leader to get everyone to like you, it is the goal of the educator/leader to get everyone to respect you. Stop apologizing for America and stand up and defend her like you promised to do the day you took took the oath to BE the President. Take some time to reread the Constitution and the stories of our forefathers. Their ideaologies were what made this country so great. You've steered hard to the left of what they did and it's not going to work. You've already WON the Presidential race, so stop campaigning already and be the President by following the guidelines our forefathers set for you. It's all written down nice and neat in documents that an intelligent person such as yourself wouldn't find difficult to comprehend. Follow them. Their Christian-based principles have brought us this far and won't fail us now.


marshasblog said...

You are sooooo right!!

Momma Tammi said...

So...are you going to send this to Mr. President? I think you ought to...very well written!

Marcia Brooks said...

Great letter! I agree with Sister Tammi. You should send it. In fact make it a petition, I'ld be the first to sign. :)

Vicki Smith said...
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Dave and Melissa said...

This should remind us to pray for our leaders.and keep informed. Prayer moves the heart of God.