Here are some more pictures of our little man.
Doesn't he have such a sweet little face???
And not such a sweet little face. (ha ha)
He does this for a few seconds and then just LAUGHS!!!!
Here he is being a silly boy ...
Here are some more pictures of our little man.
Doesn't he have such a sweet little face???
And not such a sweet little face. (ha ha)
Posted by ~Amy at 5:42 PM 13 comments
Another funny little story about Jackson.
We went to visit my grandma after service this morning and were having a good time. She loves loves loves to sing and is really good, so we got her a karaoke system for Christmas this year (all of her grandchildren and children combined--it was a little pricey). Anyway, so she really enjoys it and so does Jackson. I really think this kid's going to inherit my grandma's talent for singing. It was something I prayed for when I was pregnant with him, anyway. So we spent time letting him sing with Nan and he was so cute just "singing" away.
Anyway, so later on he tells me he has to go potty. I get him in the bathroom and up on the potty and I yell at Anthony, "Honey, Jackson's on the potty. Can you bring me a pull-up?"
Jackson sees Anthony going to get his diaper bag and yells, "Honeeeeey, I on a pottyeeeee."
I don't think my grandma has stopped laughing yet. It was hilarious.
Sorry this post is so short, but I've got to get to bed. I've got to go to work tomorrow.
G'night y'all.
Posted by ~Amy at 7:52 PM 2 comments
Labels: monkey hear, monkey say